The Clerks: Three heads, One tale

The Clerks bring a fascinating story of how an unknown English composer revolutionised church music, illustrated with effortlessly beautiful and expressive singing

The Clerks: The Secret Life of J.S. Bach

In a dazzlingly inventive and entertaining programme, The Clerks, with organist William Whitehead, explore episodes from the life of Johann Sebastian Bach, telling stories from his youth, putting us into the shoes of his earliest musical colleagues, and filling in some blanks in his own notebook.

Musicon: The Clerks – Tales from Babel

You don’t normally get handed an electronic gadget and a questionnaire when you settle down in your seat for a concert, nor do you get a data presentation straight after the interval. Last night’s Musicon event by The Clerks was concert, drama and scientific experiment all rolled into one gloriously entertaining whole.

The Clerks: Babel Science

The idea of helping scientists by listening to music appeals greatly, so I’m looking forward to tomorrow night’s Musicon concert by The Clerks. It’s called “Tales from Babel – Musical adventures in the Science of Hearing” and it looks at how we pick out voices and process information from a babble of sound.