Missa Solemnis: Durham Choral Society

BeethovenStielerIf I weren’t out of town this weekend, I’d definitely be going Durham Choral Society’s performance of Beethoven’s monumental Missa Solemnis in the cathedral tomorrow night. It’s a fantastic piece of music, and a really big sing – Beethoven didn’t write much for singers, but when he did, he certainly makes them work hard. I haven’t been able to hear Durham Choral Society since Mike Summers and Clare Wills took over as conductor and assistant conductor respectively – I always seem to end up being away – but I’ve heard that they’re sounding great.  The orchestra are made up of local musicians, including many members of Orchestra North East. It should be a really good concert, so please go along. Details here.

If anyone would like to write a review for me – get in touch!





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