The Vardy Foundation supports NYCGB

The National Youth Choir of Great Britain, who are based in Durham, have just launched their Big Give Christmas Challenge fundraiser, with North East businessman Peter Vardy pledging matching funds up to £15,000

The National Youth Choir of Great Britain, who are based here in Durham, have launched their annual fundraising campaign in aid of their bursary scheme, with the support this year of North-East businessman Sir Peter Vardy’s charitable foundation. 

The NYCGB bursaries help young singers around the country with the cost of auditions, membership, course fees and travel. The organisation is hoping to raise £30,000 via the Big Give Christmas Challenge, and Sir Peter Vardy, who attended Durham’s chorister school and has strong links with choral music, has pledged to match the funds raised pound-for-pound, up to £15,000. Last year’s bursary recipients included 14 singers from the North East.

NYCGB Director Ben Parry said: “Every year, we receive letters from our singers and their families telling us how much the support of the NYCGB Bursary Scheme has helped them and how much it has meant to them. As an organisation which aims to be the most inspiring for young singers in the UK, regardless of background or means, the ability to give financial support is crucial. We are so grateful to The Vardy Foundation for this major contribution to our annual fundraising campaign, which will change the lives not just of our young bursary recipients, but also those of their friends, their teachers and ultimately their audiences.”

Donations can be made via the NYCGB’s Big Give page between Saturday 5 December and Monday 14 December.

The National Youth Choir of Great Britain, who are based in Durham, have just launched their Big Give Christmas Challenge fundraiser, with North East businessman Peter Vardy pledging matching funds up to £15,000


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