Sing Messiah with Durham Choral Society

Come and sing Hallejulah and other choruses from Handel's great oratorio Messiah with Durham Choral Society at their open rehearsals in October.

Have you always fancied singing the Hallelujah Chorus? Do you enjoy singing but don’t have the time to commit regularly to a choir? This is your chance to dust the cobwebs off your vocal chords and sing the great choruses from Handel’s Messiah with Durham Choral Society at two open rehearsals in October.

Durham Choral Society are performing Handel’s great oratorio Messiah on 31 January and everyone is invited to join them at open rehearsals on 8th and 15th October at Durham Johnson School. More details can be found here on the Durham Choral Society website.

Come and sing Hallejulah and other choruses from Handel's great oratorio Messiah with Durham Choral Society at their open rehearsals in October.


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