From time to time, I get together with my friend Fiona and we have a fun evening bashing through duets. These sessions always remind me that music doesn’t have to be about standing on a stage and performing, and playing with Fiona helped me to keep going through the process of realising that my days of doing any public performance on recorder are definitely over. We both find that we get to the end of a duet evening feeling refreshed and reinvigorated, so we call it ‘George’s marvellous medicine’ in honour of Handel and Telemann. One of our favourite things to play is Telemann’s concerto for flute and recorder, although we find this last movement is a bit of a challenge because we can’t play it without laughing.

DOE Iolanthe
A healthy dose of silliness and joy in Durham Opera Ensemble’s sparkling production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Iolanthe.