Bach – Fugue in G minor BWV 578

This Bach fugue always made me want to skip out of the choir stalls whenever our organist played it as a voluntary.

A recurring theme on this playlist seems to be music that I remember from childhood. I suppose it works for two reasons. The things we like as children, before we really understand how complicated life is are perhaps at the more cheerful and tuneful end of the spectrum, and then of course there are the happy memories that come with them. This Bach fugue is one that our church organist used to play quite a bit, and I always found it particularly hard to process out of the choir stalls sensibly when he played it, because it makes me want to skip and dance.

PS I hope St Peter’s don’t mind me borrowing the photo from their facebook page – I couldn’t find one of the organ, and this was exactly the corner of the choir stalls where I used to sit.

This Bach fugue always made me want to skip out of the choir stalls whenever our organist played it as a voluntary.


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