Idrîsî Ensemble
Idrîsî Ensemble take their name from a Muslim cartographer from Cordoba who created a revolutionary new map of the world whilst working at the court of King Roger II in Sicily. The ensemble take inspiration from Idrîsî to map the fluidity of medieval culture, with rare repertoire from period manuscripts and endangered traditions from across the Mediterranean world, including music by trobairitz – female troubadours. Their approach combines rigorous research with a creative, uninhibited approach, with entrancing results.
Performed in the Chapter House at Durham Cathedral and presented in partnership with Musicon and Durham Vocal Festival
Tickets: £10, students £5, under 18s £1.
Workshop: Singing Hildegard 31 January, 2pm Durham Music Department, Palace Green
Following their concert, Thomas Fournil and members of Idrîsî Ensemble give a workshop on Hildegard of Bingen, introducing participants to performance practice and notation and giving an idea of what Hildegard’s chants might have sounded like.
Free entry, but places must be booked: details here