Crux Fidelis: The Clothworkers Consort of Leeds
Review of a concert given by the Clothworkers Consort of Leeds in the Norman Chapel of agonisingly beautiful music for Passiontide by early English composers.
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Review of a concert given by the Clothworkers Consort of Leeds in the Norman Chapel of agonisingly beautiful music for Passiontide by early English composers.
Ben Rowarth’s “Christus: A Passiontide Sequence” is a powerful and provocative new approach to the story of Christ’s Passion, combining imaginative writing with a firm grounding in musical history. This startling new work was combined with an energetic performance of Mozart’s Requiem, sung by the Durham University Choral Society and Chamber Choir, conducted by Mike Summers.
A guide to the Lent and Passiontide concerts currently listed on Music in Durham.
A review of Durham University Chamber Choir’s exciting performance of Bach’s St John Passion, conducted by Hugo Hymas, with guest soloists Benedict Hymas and Roderick Williams.
Durham University Choral Society will give the first performance of “Christus: A Passiontide sequence”, a major new work written for them by Ben Rowarth, at a concert in Durham Cathedral on 15 March. I spoke to Ben, and to Mike Summers, Musical Director of DUCS, to find out more about it.
Durham Opera Ensemble put on a touching, witty and thoroughly entertaining performance of Mozart’s final opera, “The Magic Flute”.
Our next Durham Singers concert is a magical winter mixture of French and English music, chosen by our guest conductor Clare Lawrence-Wills.
Very exciting news from the University Chamber Choir about the soloists for their St John Passion on 2 March.
Music in Durham brings you classical music listings, previews, reviews and news for Durham, with a bit of random blogging thrown in. The concert listing pages bring together classical music events from across the City and the University, so whether you’re looking for a great concert to go to, or if you’re planning something and want to avoid clashes, this is the place to look.